Volumetric rendering with yt


This page shows volume renderings produced with yt, a python package for analyzing multi-resolution volumetric (structured and unstructured) and particle data. Initially written for working with astrophysical simulation data, yt is now widely used across many disciplines dealing with 3D simulation or observational/experimental data. yt can be used for data analysis and manipulation, including creating isosurfaces and streamlines, exporting 3D scenes to interactive viewers such as ParaView and MeshLab, and subsetting data in many different ways.

This toy animation shows a rotating cosmological volume with grid annotations.


This animation shows a deeply nested zoom in a sample AMR (adaptive mesh refinement) dataset using a custom colourmap, with 1795 logarithmic steps changing the window from 97.8 kpc (diameter of a large spiral galaxy) down to 9.78e-11 kpc = 0.0202 AU = 3.02e6 km ≈ 2 R⊙ and encoded at 60 fps.